Kristin S.

Writer & Business Messaging Expert at Literary Symmetry

Marketing and Advertising

Education: California State University of Long Beach
Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Kristin Spencer has made her life center around her love of story. As a young girl, she turned to familiar tales any time she needed hope. Now she uses her storytelling superpowers to help authors and business owners as a copywriter, ghostwriter, and certified copyeditor. Finding the right words isn't always easy, but with the right help and a confidence boost from Kristin, you can finally create the marketing messaging you need to attract customers and readers who appreciate you and your unique voice. It's time to learn to make every word count.


I love helping others. My background in trauma-related humanitarian work in Athens, Greece gives me a unique way to understand people and what they're going through. Now, I offer free writing help to aspiring fiction authors online and also volunteer in a nearby community tutoring young students in reading and story development.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


marketing editing advertising linkedin advertising best practices social media marketing social media strategies email writing website marketing bestselling books ebooks businesstobusiness sales women in sales sales vs marketing sales and marketing relationships sales training indie author strategies author bestselling author book author best selling author on amazon increasing confidence build confidence increase confidence handling difficult people how to handle objections storytelling storyteller brand storytelling interactive storytelling immersive storytelling inventive story telling

Best Story

When I was lead in a play in fourth grade, someone covered over a hole in the stage with a sheet after dress rehearsal. On the way to sing my solo during the actual play, I fell in that hole and the entire audience saw my underwear. You see, I flipped over and was wearing a skirt. Instead of panicking, I walked over to the microphone and belted out my solo. If I had stopped after my fall, that was all anyone would have talked about. But because I kept going, the only thing people could talk about was that after my fall, I got back up and sang my heart out. Now I help business professionals create their own stories every day that help their audience remember the determination my clients had through their struggles. And I teach these business professionals how to do this by using my story: the one where 500 people saw my undies on stage, but walked away with the memory of my powerful voice.

Origin Story

After trying to build a successful fiction editing business for years, I realized that the people who really needed my help were business owners. After talking to dozens of copywriting experts about my goal of marrying my editing work with writing for marketing, I kept hearing the same thing: "It can't be done." But I was sure it could be, and I set out to prove it. Now my copywriting firm offers powerful writing for businesses using our proven storytelling-framework that connects my clients to their dream audience. And we even offer ghostwriting services where we help authors realize their true voices without having to write a single word themselves. All because I was sure that I could, even when everyone said "You can't." The power of storytelling can do so much good in our world if we choose to embrace and harness its dynamic forces.

Example talks

Business Growth Powered by the Art of Personal Storytelling

Have you ever thought about what kinds of communication make a lasting impression in the world of business? As a certified copyeditor and bestselling author, Kristin realized early in her career that storytelling has the power to create a lasting bond between two people, and this dynamic force cab be used by business owners to connect with their ideal customers.

And what about the flip side? What happens when business owners or speakers tell the wrong kind of story? You know, the kind that irritates the audience. In this talk, you’ll learn exactly what you should say, what you should never say, and how you can embrace the beauty of personal storytelling to connect with your target audience in a way that will leave your competition reeling.

In Kristin Spencer’s signature talk, you’ll learn how to
🌟 Get the other person’s permission to tell your story so they’re on the edge of their seat before you even start.
🌟 Use storytelling techniques that have worked for centuries to shape your own personal stories into points of human connection that your target audience won’t be able to get out of their minds.
🌟 Avoid telling abstract, fiction stories that irritate your target audience and push them away.
🌟 Learn when a story is too fresh to share.
🌟 Weave sales psychology through your story to establish know, like, and trust with the audience.
🌟 Turn these stories into sharable video and written content that can be posted across all platforms.
🌟 Leverage the stories you’ve developed into business growth.

Don’t wait to help those inside your organization or at your event utilize something they all already have access to—their personal stories—to start achieving the business growth they’ve always wanted. Get in touch with Kristin about this signature talk today.

Unlock the True Potential & Productivity of Your Employees With Empathy-Based Leadership Language

Are you looking for someone to inspire your leadership team or conference attendees to utilize the unique power of empathy to create lasting bonds and avenues for growth in your organization?

As a certified copyeditor with language sensitivity training, Kristin has a unique perspective on using empathetic language in the workplace. Through this talk she will teach your team or audience to

💡 Use more inclusive language that addresses diversity needs in the modern workplace
💡 Make language decisions based on empathy to increase productivity instead of using ineffective intimidating or manipulative communication techniques.
💡 Leverage the power of joy and positive feedback to help when moments of critique are needed.
💡 Use personal storytelling to create moments of relatability and connection, and to increase information retention during times of instruction.
💡 Model flexibility when team members are experiencing either personal or professional difficulties to create an increased environment of empathy that deepens connections between everyone on the team.

Do you want your team to enjoy the benefits of diversity-sensitive, inclusive, and empathetic language? Schedule Kristin to come inspire your leaders and teach them about the benefits of empathy-based communication today.

Establish Know, Like, & Trust in a Lip-Sync, 7-Second World

Have you ever wondered why businesses who are willing to try new things are often rewarded for their creativity? In the world of marketing it is the brave who truly reap lasting benefits, but why? Learn how the evolution of social media and digital marketing shows us exactly what consumers want when it comes to the updated know, like, and trust journey. In this interactive presentation, Kristin N. Spencer, bestselling author and messaging expert will walk you through how personal storytelling and sales psychology can propel your business to new growth if you’re willing to go there and be brave when your competition isn’t.

In this talk you will learn
✅ How the know, like, trust journey affects the purchasing decisions of buyers.
✅ What know, like, and trust looks like in today’s ever-changing social media realm.
✅ How to evaluate what your brand voice should sound like in each media opportunity.
✅ How to stay clear and consistent while other businesses get caught up in creating distracting noise.

It’s time to level-up your messaging game by combing the updated styles of communication we see today with the industry-wide knowledge of sales psychology that too many modern companies forget. Get in touch with Kristin today to get this presentation on your schedule.