Malia L.

Oil & Gas Engineering Specialist - Speaker & Trainer at Savvy LeadHER


Education: University of California Riverside - University of Southern California
Orlando, FL, USA


Malia Lym PE is a corporate speaker and trainer helping organizations implement practical solutions to advance women in leadership as part of their Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) initiatives. She is passionate about teaching women in corporate how to become effective leaders and high achievers. Her speaking encourages and empowers women to create opportunities for themselves, especially in male dominant industries. Her signature speech, workshop, and 5-step framework show women how to advance their careers, in ways specific to women.
During her career as professional engineering specialsit, she has successfully completed more than $300M in projects for Fortune 100 companies worldwide like Chevron and Exxon. She was the youngest global corporate specialist, licensed professional engineer, and expert within some of these organizations. Her experience in a male-dominated field is what led her to work with organizations in a new way.



I have always been a high achiever, but my climb has not been without challenges. For every new height I strived to reach, there was a new obstacle. Throughout my career, I have overcome self-sabotage, chronic illness, ADHD, racism, and more. Despite life changes, plateaus, and even performance regressions, I continued to succeed and consistently reach my goals.

After a near death experience, I wanted to have more impact than I could at one company. Now my mission is to empower other professional women to finally have the fulfilling careers they work so hard for.

Helping create opportunities - Overcoming adversity - Gender diversity - Women helping women - Women in leadership

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


gender diversity women leadership leadership development women in stem women in engineering dei resilience resiliency networking career opportunity career navigation career networking oil and gas womens advancement womens empowerment trainer keynote motivational speaker manufacturing diversity and inclusion workshops glass ceiling breaking the glass ceiling employee network employee resource groups employee resource group

Origin Story

A few months before my 10-year anniversary as an engineer, my family rushes me to the hospital after regaining consciousness. I doubt they knew I almost died moments before. As I saw "The Light," I was told, "It is not your time."

I spent the following weeks in the hospital fighting, not only for my life but for the life that grew inside me. At 6 weeks pregnant, my morning sickness was so severe that it was classified as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), causing extreme dehydration and agonizing starvation. After being tube fed for months more, now with a small baby bump, I was cleared and returned to work. But I was not the same person.

I imagined my 10-year celebration as an engineer would highlight all I had accomplished and ignite new excitement for the next 10 years. But I had a new perspective on life after surviving a dance with death - while also awaiting a new baby, my first baby. With a second chance at life, I knew I wanted to do more than crush my career.

I want to help other engineers, mothers, passionate professionals, and women like me do the same. I want to be the change that helps our world be ready for the little girls who will be the next generation of leaders. I now use this second chance at life to make an impact.

And so Savvy LeadHER™ was born.

Example talks

Employee Network/ ERG Lunch & Learn (Workshop)

Women networks and black employee networks are ideal groups for this Lunch & Learn Workshop. Round table style, this intimate workshop unpacks topics that minority groups face in corporate settings. Having a safe setting, led by a 3rd party, is invaluable for meaningful and impactful discussions.

Common topics include roadblocks to career advancement, networking and mentorship, navigating office politics, imposter syndrome, personal and professional development, confidence, mindset and purpose.

Let's discuss your employee network needs:

SASSY Goals™ (Workshop)

This workshop is based on Malia's signature speech SASSY Goals™ - Start Achieving, Start Saying Yes. This workshop does a deep dive into confidence, leadership, resilience, and relationships. The goal of this workshop is to help women navigate male dominant industries as a woman (while maintaining their femininity and sanity). Participants walk away with practical steps to gaining control of their careers.

As a global engineering specialist for Oil & Gas, Malia knows first hand what does and doesn't work in a world that tells women NO too often. This workshop lays out a map for women to say YES to their career goals and desires to have fulfilling careers.

No more shrinking ourselves in a room full of men, no more taking only what is given to you. It's time to say YES. YES to the resilience, confidence, relationships and opportunities that are going to open a window whenever a door is closed. This workshop brings out the potential in everyone who attends.

3 Takeaways:
Resilience - why we women need this to compete and how to build resilience
Relationships - how to develop and leverage genuine relationships in a male dominant space
Encouragement to say YES - we women put our needs on the back burner and wonder why we are not fulfilled. Learn ways you can say YES to your potential and future opportunities.

By far one of our more popular workshops, this sells out fast. Learn more about bringing this workshop to your company with a short intro call here

Team Building (Workshop)

This interactive workshop brings team members together in a fun way that improves communication, encourages collaboration, inspires creative thinking, and develops trust. Participants walk away empowered, motivated and validated.

One of our personal favorites, this fun and high energy workshop is ideal for hard working teams. Let's talk more about your teams goals, your leadership goals and how this workshop can kickoff a new energy in your group

The F.A.N.C.Y. Corporate Ladder™ (Leadership training for women)

The FANCY Corporate Ladder™ leadership training is for women in corporate who want to step into leadership but are not sure how. Filled with key principles and elements to help you succeed, the Fancy Corporate Ladder™ provides actionable steps for immediate implementation—with a woman’s touch. During this powerful and interactive training, Malia will show participants how to:

- Assess their contribution potential and realize how they can help reach organizational goals
- Communicate confidently and influentially
- Create visibility by leveraging existing relationships and networking
- Initiate change and continuous improvement
- Identify potential risks and prevent roadblocks
- Improve cross-functional communications to expand their circle of influence

The training ends with each participant showing their ability to lead efforts aligned with their organization’s goals.

What women are saying:
✅ This course has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and become visible to key members of the organization in ways that will help me make a great case for a raise and promotion. And it made me fix my resume!
✅ This course has allowed me to turn around and provide insights to my new direct report. While I am still in the very early stages of managing a team member, I feel much more confident in my leadership ability with him, and in my ability to be seen as a peer by my superiors.
✅ I still have work to do, but I made progress during this course that I NEVER would have made without it. I was finally able to have a sit-down conversation with the CEO and during that meeting, she was impressed that I had already spoken to the other members of the executive team. Additionally, that one conversation has opened the door to additional mentorship where we will have a check-in meeting every other month. Face to face time directly with the CEO is invaluable.

Join the waitlist for the next cohort Dec/Jan 2022:

Want to know if this training will help your organizations diversity goals? Let's talk more about training customization

SASSY Goals™ (Speech)

Looking for a speaker for your next corporate event? Malia’s signature speech, SASSY Goals™ – Start Achieving, Start Saying Yes, inspires and motivates audiences to achieve their goals and say yes to new opportunities.

SASSY GOALS - Start Achieving, Start Saying Yes is ideal for corporations, higher education, associations, conferences, and communities providing professional development opportunities to their audiences. Through powerful storytelling, Malia uses relevant and relatable examples to engage and instantly connect with audiences. She provides tangible next steps audience members can immediately apply to their careers. Malia’s SASSY Goals™ focuses on attaining opportunities by using confidence, leadership, resilience, and relationships.

3 Takeaways:
Resilience - why we women need this to compete and how to build resilience
Relationships - how to develop and leverage genuine relationships in a male dominant space
Encouragement to say YES - we women put our needs on the back burner and wonder why we are not fulfilled. Learn ways you can say YES to your potential and future opportunities.

Want to know how this can be customized to your audience? Let's discuss further