Chris C.

Founder, Speaker and Coach at Connection Catalyst

Professional Training and Coaching

Baltimore, MD, USA


Are you feeling burnt out and disconnected in today's fast-paced world? Meet Chris Coladonato, your guide to sparking the magic within yourself. Chris is a speaker, coach, and founder of Connection Catalyst, a company designed to help individuals disconnect from the busyness of life and reconnect with themselves and the world around them.

More than just a guide, Chris is a fellow traveler. Through her own experience of burnout and disconnection, she understands the deep desire to reconnect with your inner spark and rediscover the joy that life has to offer. Now, her passion lies in empowering others to tap into their own magic and live a vibrant life.

Chris isn't about giving you answers, but creating space for you to find your own. Her signature talks and retreats provide opportunities to "let go and just be." By helping you disconnect from the external noise, Chris facilitates a journey inward, where you can discover your calm center, ignite creativity, and reconnect with your most authentic self.

Chris believes that slowing down is not about falling behind, but about honoring your most important relationship – the one with yourself. She understands the pressures to "do more", but through her own story and her expertise, Chris shows you how prioritizing self-connection unlocks a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment.

Here's what makes Chris unique:
* Focuses on the magic within: Chris uses a playful and relatable approach to self-discovery, helping you reconnect with your inner magic.
* Grounded in experience: Chris's journey from burnout to self-love fuels her passion for helping others find their own path.

Imagine your audience leaving your event feeling:
* Rejuvenated and reconnected with their inner spark
* Equipped with tools to manage stress and find calm
* Inspired to embrace their authentic selves and live a more vibrant life

Ready to bring the magic to your next event? Contact Chris Coladonato to discuss how she can be your keynote speaker or workshop facilitator.

Chris is a Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and a former member of the ATD International Board of Directors. She is also a Certified Forest Bathing guide


My passions are spending time in and learning from nature, helping humans connect with themselves and the world around them, hiking, walking in nature, paint by numbers, disco music (and 80s too!) and sewing.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


connections powerful connections connection making connections connecting with people returning to nature nature connecting to nature connection to self walking wellness at work wellness wellbeing workplace wellbeing mindfulness for creativity improving innovation and creativity clarity self care mindfulness mindfulness in the workplace rest slow down unplugged activities disconnect to connect burnout prevention burnout burnout recovery stress management stress reduction stress less nature connection overwhelm digital overwhelm work life balance self discovery employee wellbeing nature based wellness breast cancer healing through nature

Origin Story

Feeling drained by the constant "doing" of our fast-paced world? You're not alone. I was that person too. I craved a deeper sense of connection – to myself, others, and the world around us. And yet, how was I supposed to slow down and make those connections in a world that always seems to be speeding up?

I searched for that answer in books, podcasts and articles for years; hoping that one day I’d find the answer. Until then, I kept pushing myself to do more and be more. And where did that get me? Burnt out. Feeling so alone and unfulfilled. Like..what am I even doing here? It left me fried physically and mentally. It left me thinking about everyone else and not myself. It left me not honoring or celebrating myself, my gifts and my life. It left me as a shell of Chris. 

It wasn’t until I started really connecting with myself that I started to feel again. That I started to understand and honor my needs and gifts. That I started to see what was possible and let go what no longer served me. That I started to really love myself. And it all started with a solo trip to a spa that was surrounded by nature. I spent days connecting with nature and it fostered a ​deep sense of presence and connection that ​transformed my life. I then found myself going to the forest when I needed clarity and inspiration and even when I needed healing from breast cancer. And it was there that I started to realize that the answer was within me all along. I just needed to slow down, get quiet and listen to my ​own inner voice.

This is what I help shift for others - a deeper connection with themselves. This is what I want for others. To learn that by slowing down, by disconnecting…they can reconnect with themselves. Whether it’s because they need time to themselves to get calm, to get inspired, to find clarity or to remember who they are. And that when they do that, they are not falling behind or being selfish. They are honoring the most important relationship - one with self. 

Example talks

Slowing Down for Success: Unlocking Calm and Clarity in a Busy World

In today's fast-paced work environment, finding time to slow down can be challenging. With tight schedules and high workloads, it’s easy to overlook the importance of pausing and being present. Yet, true well-being and personal fulfillment are deeply connected to our ability to find moments of stillness amid the busyness.

In "Slowing Down for Success," Chris will delve into the significance of incorporating intentional pauses into our daily routines. Through interactive discussions and real-world examples, she will share with attendees how these pauses can enhance their well-being by fostering calm, clarity, and focus. They will discover practical strategies for integrating mindful pauses into their daily routine, helping them navigate their busy lives with improved mental clarity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of balance and fulfillment.

Beyond Busy: Uncover the Magic of "Being" in a World Obsessed with "Doing"

Do you ever crave a deeper sense of connection – to yourself, your purpose, and the world around you? In today's whirlwind world, it's easy to get caught up in the "doing." This session will guide you on a journey from constant activity to embracing the power of "being." Through Chris Coladonato's unique approach, you'll discover the transformative power of creating space for stillness within your busy life. Imagine a wellspring of creativity and joy bubbling within, waiting to be tapped. By learning to quiet the external noise and embrace moments of stillness, we can find calm, gain clarity and deepen connections with ourselves and the world around us.

Leave this session feeling equipped with practical tools to cultivate inner strength, ignite your creativity, and navigate life with renewed focus and purpose. Remember, you are your most valuable companion – let's invest in that relationship together!

Revive Your Vibe in Nature

This nature immersive talk is aimed at inspiring individuals to reconnect with the natural world and its therapeutic benefits. In this talk, Chris will share how spending time in nature helped her overcome burnout and supported her on her healing journey from breast cancer.

Chris will bring the natural world to life for attendees when she highlights the many physical and mental health benefits of spending time in nature, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood, and increased creativity. The talk will also explore ways in which people can incorporate nature into their daily lives, such as taking walks outside, practicing mindfulness in natural settings, or simply spending time in a garden or park. Attendees will leave with a renewed appreciation for the healing power of nature and practical tips for incorporating it into their daily routines