Nicole C. Ayers

Title: Self-Love Sage

Women Empowerment

Education: Clemson University - Clemson University
Charlotte, NC, USA


Self-love sage Nicole C. Ayers is a dynamic TEDx speaker and the award-winning author of Love Notes to My Body, which was recognized as one of 2020’s best life-changing books, and its two body-positive companion books. She’s not afraid to get vulnerable and real about her personal journey to love herself, and she encourages everyone to disrupt the narrative that tells them they—and their bodies—are not enough, just as they are.

Nicole uses the framework “Awaken. Heal. Live.” to guide women in making peace with their bodies in her digital course, and she teaches a gentle movement practice, called Wild Soul Movement, that helps women get into their bodies and out of their heads.

She’s a strong voice for female empowerment and the freedom it brings. Audiences will feel like they’ve gotten a warm hug and shared a private laugh with a close friend, but most importantly, they’ll leave with transformative tools to get to know themselves.


I am passionate about guiding women to make peace with their bodies. To see women reclaiming their relationships with their bodies, breaking generational beliefs, and being present in their lives makes me giddy.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


women empowerment body acceptance body positivity body image wellness womens health and wellness womens health and well being make peace with your body body love motivational speaker women author award winning author selfdevelopment self care self love personal power build confidence

Best Story

I share many personal stories to illustrate what my journey to make peace with my own body looked like so that women can find the echoes in their own experiences. One popular story I share details how I tapped into a well of self-compassion after getting stuck on a high-ropes course, dangling in the harness, waiting endless minutes for the teenage guide to show up and help me. It's a poignant story with room for laughter and tenderness.

Origin Story

I spent most of my life hating my body. I thought that was just how things were supposed to be. Every woman that I knew, even the celebrities I followed, seemed to be endlessly fixing their perceived flaws. There was always a new diet, a new skin regimen or procedure, a new exercise that would finally make their bodies perfect.

As I grew, I joined the ranks of women shaming their bodies, never realizing that I didn’t have to. I believed body hatred was part of my legacy as a woman.

Finally, after a series of events shook me awake, I realized all the nasty things I said to my body and how badly I treated her, her being my body. When I became aware of how much I disrespected myself and my body and how disconnected we were, I was horrified. I made it my mission to create a relationship with her. I also have two daughters, and I didn’t want them to ever feel this way about their own bodies.

I began a journaling practice to write a daily love to different body parts because it’s awfully hard to hate something you’re sweet-talking. Not long after I began journaling, I discovered Wild Soul Movement, a gentle movement and mediation practice, and I fell in love with it as another way to connect to my body and to gently care for her. It created space for me to unlearn all the hurtful lessons I’d been taught about how my body “should” look or move, and to celebrate my body just as she is. Wild Soul Movement combined with journaling love notes to my body served as rocket fuel for my healing and liberation.

As I made peace with my body, I stepped into my personal power and began to transform every aspect of my life, from my career to my most intimate relationships, from my beliefs about money to my spiritual practices, from my parenting to my friendships.

One morning while journaling I heard a loud whisper that said, “This isn’t just for you.” Those love notes turned into three sister books that share how I learned to love and accept my body, from my crow’s-feet to my pinky toes.

After publishing Love Notes to My Body, and its two companion books, I began to connect with other women who wanted a different relationship with their bodies too. I created the framework “Awaken. Heal. Live.” to guide women on their body acceptance journeys so that they can transform their lives.

Every woman who heals her relationship with her body becomes a walking, breathing, living permission slip for all women to do the same.

Example talks

Make Peace with Your Body Workshop

Nicole offers an interactive workshop to guide participants through the three-step framework: Awaken. Heal. Live. Through playful and engaging activities, participants will be supported as they dive into their current relationships with their bodies. They’ll leave the workshop with a new appreciation for their bodies and a clear plan for how they want to make peace with them.

Learning Objectives:
• Awaken to your current relationship with your body
• Get curious about your body beliefs
• Create a treasure chest of healing strategies to make peace with your body
• Practice several healing strategies in session, including a gentle movement practice
• Learn how to move through the hard moments of body acceptance
• Discover the relationship you want to have with your body
• Develop a map for your body-acceptance journey

Mama, You’ve Gotta Do the Work: Create a Legacy of Body Acceptance

Everyday, often unintentionally, you’re creating a legacy of body acceptance or body shame. You may tell your loved ones that what’s on their inside is more important than what’s on their outside, but unless you’re showing them how to accept their bodies, as they are, then your message sounds like hypocrisy.
In this session, Nicole illustrates why you must make peace with your own body so you can show your loved ones how to be accepting of theirs.
Learning Objectives:
• Discover why it’s critical to teach others how to embrace their bodies
• Compare how your behaviors match your messages about body acceptance
• Develop effective strategies to make peace with your own body that you can implement right away
• Learn the benefits of creating a body-acceptance legacy
• Acquire actionable tips to help your loved ones begin to accept their bodies

Make Peace with Your Body So You Can Be Present in Your Life

You miss the memory-making moments when you’re more worried about how you look than who you’re with or what you’re doing. But it’s not just the memory-making moments that are lost when you’re striving for somebody else’s version of a “good” body. You miss out on your life.

In this session, Nicole will guide participants through the three-part framework—Awaken. Heal. Live.—so they can live their lives with presence and intention. She’ll provide strategies that can be implemented immediately, along with personal insights and gracious encouragement, so that participants will feel empowered to step onto the body-acceptance path.

Learning Objectives:
• Define what body acceptance is
• Debunk body-acceptance misconceptions
• Awaken to your personal relationship with your body
• Discover and practice healing strategies to mend that relationship
• Focus on showing up for the life you want
• Explore the benefits of being at peace with your body