Jackie Roby

Relationship Mindset Coach at Inspired Journey Consulting

Diversity/Women Issues

Education: University of Denver
Boston, MA, USA


Jackie Roby is the founder of Inspired Journey Consulting and a relationship mindset coach, where she helps high achievers quiet their self-doubt, gain clarity in their decisions, and believe in themselves again, or for the first time. Through mindset coaching, speaking, and facilitating workshops, she brings light to individuals so they can understand themselves, life, and others creating ease in relationships. She is an international speaker, host of the podcast Through Inspired Eyes, and Chair of the Global Wellness Institute's Diversity Equity Inclusion Initiative. Jackie's vision is to grow emotional intelligence, healing, and self-love for a kinder, more inclusive world.


I love exploring the new: restaurants, recipes, resorts. I have an adventurous palate and am drawn to food and drinks I've never tried before. That makes me curious on whether I can make it at home and create a gluten and dairy free version. When I travel, I love a well designed boutique hotel or an immersive wellness resort. I want the chance to grow whether through inspired design or healing modalities.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


inspire wellness at work workplace wellness mental wellness emotional and mental wellbeing depression and anxiety overcoming trauma understanding how trauma impacts the workplace happiness living authentically diversity and inclusion emotional healing abuse overcoming adversity overcoming challenges decision making self development overcoming self doubts

Best Story

I speak openly about my experience with depression, anxiety, and PTSD, as well as trauma from abuse.

Origin Story

My first experience with abuse came at the young age of three. I grew up believing I was supposed to love unconditionally but the love I received could only be conditional. When I left an abusive relationship in my senior year of college, I started my active healing journey. It took 39 years for me to realize that my voice mattered. Now I support others like me to have a deeper understanding of themselves, life, and others so they can confidently claim the life of their dreams.