Katrina S.

CEO JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net at K. Sawa Marketing Int'l Inc.

Small Business

Education: B.A. Business Administration, Marketing Concentration, Cal State Univ. Sacramento
Roseville, CA, USA


I'm super passionate about helping entrepreneurs make more money, want more money, earn more money, save money, charge for more, and make a bigger impact with what they're doing in their business by reaching a whole lot more people.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


business strategy small business ownership starting a small business women entrepreneurship women in business marketing strategy boost your business by publishing a book publishing a book speaking with confidence public speaking

Best Story

When I first started my business I was married to my "Starter Husband". I learned pretty quickly that he really wasn't comfortable with the risks we take as an entrepreneur, even though we had met doing door to door sales. He loved a secure job once we married, but that's when I leapt out into my own business. We tried to make it work but I grew and grew, I learned and sought more and he didn't want to grow or come with me so I had to leave that marriage. I realized I wanted more and also deserved more than he was willing to give. That was the best leap of faith that I had although I had 10 or so more big leaps throughout my entrepreneurial journey. Now I'm with my "Keeper Husband" who is 110% supportive of my business, and the decisions I make within it.

Origin Story

I have been in sales and marketing jobs all my life. I love it and I'm good too. I realized not everyone WAS good at sales and marketing though when I was in one of my last "JOBs", as an advertising sales rep for the local newspaper (yeah, this was way back in 2000). I was top in sales because I was very consultative... not pushy. People liked talking with me because I would share all kinds of things they could do to grow their business on top of advertising, many things they hadn't even thought of before. This is where I found my love of small businesses and entrepreneurs. They just didn't know what they didn't know and they loved input.

To get clients in the advertising world, I would network, network, network (locally in person) and then follow up, follow up, follow up. That's how I landed clients all the time. When it was time to go out on my own, I had a built in audience and group of business owner friends that I tapped into for business, sales, and referrals. Again, networking and follow up got me to a high five figure income back then.

These days I've implemented so many other things and have leveraged tremendously to create the ideal lifestyle for myself and my family. Tried and true marketing strategies still work today however, too many people ignore them and go the more expensive online ad route or complicated social media route when it could be so much simpler and easier. Reach out if I can help!

Example talks

Sales & Marketing Automation 2.0: Why yesterday’s processes are now "Old School" and how to adapt quickly

Get ready to be more productive and efficient so your business can be more profitable, with next level automation tools and strategies! it's time to get your life back and focus on what matters - more automation in your business is how to achieve that. CEOs and business professionals are burning out left and right, or living in a constant state of overwhelm because there is more to manage these days regarding your business in general, and especially with your sales and marketing activities. These two aspects of your business are the lifeblood of it, and you want to learn how to do it all more efficiently so you can reach MORE prospects consistently.

In this presentation, you will walk away with 3-12 actionable steps you can take for little to no cost that will dramatically increase your conversions and profits! Don't hide your head in the sand anymore or leave the "systems" to the IT department, take a vested interest in how to catapult your success this year and beyond.

Consistent Revenue Generator: The High-End Mastermind

Tired of the low-end membership model where you have to get quantity over price? Want to serve clients at a higher level, making a bigger impact along with much bigger, sustainable income?

Consider running a high-end mastermind with clients who are hungry for your expertise and accountability. Serve however you want with whatever deliverables work for you and your ideal clients while enjoying payment plans from 2-7 years or longer. It works in almost any industry and almost any topic.

Come to this presentation to learn tips on how to run, sell and consistently scale with high-end programs and mastermind groups.

• Brainstorm on the types of high-end programs and offerings you can create.
• See how easy the model and pricing can be to do, sell and implement.
• Get tips on how to start, grow and run this type of membership model easily and efficiently.

Put Your Small Business on Autopilot and Watch Your Profits Skyrocket!

Are you constantly struggling in your business or working way too hard for not enough profits? Want to find out how to work less in your business and make more?

This also includes the running of your business – you’ve got to automate, delegate and systematize more in order for your marketing, your business and often times your LIFE to run on autopilot. Yes, you CAN automate much of what you’re doing and still be interacting personally and building quality relationships in order to attract more of the right kinds of ideal prospects.

Guess what? When you put your business on autopilot your business can literally run without you when you’re gone, want to take a vacation, get sick or have an emergency come up. This IS the next step for you in transforming your business to fit your dream lifestyle.

In this content-rich presentation, you will learn:

• How to put your marketing and many business tasks on autopilot to free up more of your time and money
• How and what to delegate more of in order to free you up to do more profitable tasks (and without costing a lot either)
• The types of technology you MUST invest and put in place or it won’t work
• How to put all of this into a smooth-running system so it actually gets done!

Then once you’ve got your business into a smooth-running, consistent income-generating machine you can implement additional strategies. But if you don’t at least do the basics of what works and what will bring you results then you’ll just be spinning your wheels over and over again not seeing the income you want (or deserve!). Come to this presentation and learn a better way to start, grow, run and market your business.

How to Design Your Talk to Make Everyone Want What You've Got to Offer

There are lots of speakers out there talking about all kinds of different topics. What makes YOU different? How can you stand out among others who do what you do?

If you're doing speaking presentations already or even if you've never done a single one, this presentation will give you some fresh new ideas to get noticed and get booked.

Designing what to talk about is an art and a skill because you want to know your overall goal from what you want out of the exposure before you figure out what you want to say. If you're primarily speaking for free, then you can often make an offer at the end of your talk. In that case, you need a talk that shares good content but also highlights what you're trying to sell. If you're looking for more paid speaking opportunities, you don't usually make an offer but there are things you do want to make sure you do to maximize those opportunities.

Come to this presentation and learn:

• How to craft your talk so it’s easier to remember
• 3 strategies to increase your closing ratio without sounding salesy
• 5 ways to capture the contact information of everyone in the room regardless of what type of talk you're giving
• How to develop a kick-butt follow up system to engage attendees and sell more later
• How to know when to sell what and for how much to which group and why it matters

Jumpstart Your Sales - One-on-One or Online

Now more than ever you may want to look at learning how to get better at “booking” and “closing” sales conversations.
Whether you’re leaving the house or not, some of your prospects and clients may not be leaving the house as much right now. This means less in-person networking events, less coffee dates, and less clients to do one-on-one sessions with “in person” but you can still do plenty of one-on-one sales conversations and calls on Zoom or other conference lines.
It’s time to stop the doom and gloom attitude if you are experiencing that and learn what you need to do to MAKE MORE SALES during this time (or anytime). That could mean that you need to DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. Either way, there are plenty of people out there buying right now (Yes, even YOUR products, programs and services too!).
Key takeaways – learn how to:
• Book more appointments and 1on1 sales conversations via email, zoom, social media and from anywhere
• Conduct effective and results-oriented conversations for “Collaborations & Connecting” (I call them “Get-to-Know-Ya” calls)
• Take prospects through that 1on1 sales conversation much more easily, more authentically yet with more assertiveness and strategy so you can actually get more people to say YES to you
• Develop the right offerings with the right pricing, from Easy Yes Offers to High-End Programs and everything necessary in between so that you close a much higher percentage of prospects into something no matter what
• Dance with concerns, objections, questions and challenges about enrolling or buying

F.O.C.U.S. Framework: 5 Steps to Faster Sales Results!

Building your business into a smooth-running, consistent income-generating machine these days takes the implementation of many business, mindset, and marketing strategies. Some of which are basic and foundational in nature, yet many entrepreneurs skip over them in hopes of growing faster which is a mistake. If you don’t at least do the basics of what works and what will bring you results, then you’ll just be spinning your wheels over and over again not seeing the income you want (or deserve!).
In this age of virtual-run businesses, you need to shift what you’re doing to stay in business or open up and learn these new skills required to sustain yourself and thrive.
In this presentation you will learn:
• How to get clear and confident in what you do, what you charge, who it's for, and why they should care
• How to design your business around the kind of life you want to live, incorporating your ideal lifestyle vision and big money goals
• Where to spend your energy, resources, and time to see the financial results you’re hoping for quicker
• How to effectively maximize this online, virtual world we’re living in and still do the kind of business that you are passionate about
• How to develop more productive habits and tech-oriented solutions that will produce better results

How to Make Fast Cash with Easy YES Offers!

This presentation is designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, independent contractors, speakers and anyone who needs to meet a lot of people and build relationships in order to promote and increase their business. Marketing these days is useless without building quality relationships with your clients, prospects, referral sources and contacts. Making offers is a key component to building those relationships. You can do this if you’re a speaker or doing a speaking presentation or in your day-to-day sales conversations and connecting with prospects in person or online.
Most entrepreneurs are NOT prepared to make a sale and take money “on the spot” at live networking events however, unless they ARE the speaker so this information will arm you with the keys to doing this on a daily basis wherever you go no matter what.

In this presentation, you will learn:

 What questions to ask yourself when planning your easy yes offers or any offer for that matter!
 5 Levels of offerings most business could (or should) have
 Some of the do’s and don’ts regarding making all your offers
 Plus, you’ll hear examples and stories of easy yes offers to give YOU ideas on what to create!

Marketing Basics for Consistent Cash Flow

Are You Finally Ready to Learn EXACTLY What to Do AND HOW to Do It in Regards to Getting More Clients in Your Business?

I’m talking about marketing and selling in your business.

These are after all, the two most CRITICAL activities that ANY small business owner (or sales professional in ANY industry) needs to learn and GET REALLY GOOD AT DOING!

Maybe you know a lot of the WHAT to do in your marketing, sales and your business…. but what’s missing is the HOW.

Come to this presentation and learn:

• How to tweak what you’re selling to make sure you hit your money goals every month
• The 3 types of marketing every small business owner needs to be focusing on for consistent revenue generation
• How to delegate much of your marketing plus time-saving techy tools to help you

Then once you’ve got your business into a smooth-running, consistent income-generating machine you can implement additional strategies. But if you don’t at least do the basics of what works and what will bring you results then you’ll just be spinning your wheels over and over again not seeing the income you want (or deserve!) and you may use up all your original start-up capital to boot, then what? You may have to give up your dream of being an entrepreneur and author all together and go back and get a J.O.B.

Come to this session and learn how to automate, delegate and systematize your marketing and business tasks so that you're reaching MORE PROSPECTS FASTER and converting them EASIER into your sales funnel.