Dr. Nadine Collins is a prolific speaker who has traveled to 80 countries and spoken in hundreds of cities throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. She is on a fearless mission to help more faith-based women break free from indoctrinations, fear, and anything that sets barriers to their advancement. One of her favorite sayings to women is "if you hang out with me long enough, I will brainwash you into believing that you can do anything!"
She empowers women to develop mastery and confidence in their calling to rise above the status quo and live fully liberated in their God-destined purpose by building their speaking platforms and writing and publishing world-class books.
Dr. Nadine is the author of 8 inspirational books and has published numerous academic and theoretical articles on marginalized groups, especially women, and serves as an Adjunct faculty member; peer journal reviewer for multiple scholarly journals; and is the lead author for one chapter in the 2022 academic book—The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in the Asian Context.
She has ongoing programs on three international Christian TV stations—3ABN Dare-to-Dream Network, Hope Channel, Kenya, and Destiny TV in South Africa.
Dr. Nadine holds a Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis on Administration in Higher Education with a research focus on women in top leadership positions. She has a Master's degree in Educational Psychology and an undergrad degree in Behavioral Sciences with an emphasis in Psychology.
1. Winning Strategies to Uncover Your Divine Purpose
2. Prenatally Chosen
3. The Weight of Your Purpose
4. Breaking through The Mentally Constructed Glass Ceiling ™
5. Unspoken Secrets to Break Through Indoctrinations Like a Pro
6. What You MUST Know About Creating Success Around Your Divine Purpose
7. The Single Most Effective Tool to Creating Success Around Your Divine Purpose
8. Becoming a Masterful Speaker
9. The Female Mentorship Advantage
More than 100 miles
I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions
I grew up on a small island in the Caribbean where the traditional careers were to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, and a nurse—the “normed” jobs. Anything else was thought to be a hobby that could not create success.
For nine years after graduating from high school, I worked a few "small jobs" and then landed a position at a Bank as an Administrative Assistant. During that time, some of my friends left home for college. Some returned to work as lawyers, nurses, and teachers, while others furthered their studies.
Based on the norm, I was convinced that my road to success, financial freedom, and fulfillment was to get a good education and secure a well-paying job with great perks.
But inside of me, I always felt that there was something more that I was called to do. I really felt that God was speaking to me and there was a place for me, a global stage for me.
Even though I was on a small island, I didn't grow up in a wealthy family that could fund my university education; and even though I worked at a financial institution at the time, I was not qualified to apply for a loan because I did not have someone to guarantee it for me, did not have a scholarship or any other form of assistance, and didn't even know how I was going to get off the island to do a first degree much less reach as far as earning my Ph.D.; that greater calling was strong.
I later took a leap of faith to head to college and not only managed to get off the island and find my way through undergrad studies at university after four years of working and studying full time. I also enrolled in a two-year master's degree program and worked and paid for it simultaneously.
Later, I could acquire tuition assistance to help me work and complete my Doctoral studies. All because I had decided to step out in faith and make one move toward what I believe was my road to success at the time.
In all honesty, I only bought one book in College because books were a luxury. I have never had the funds to do anything I wanted, but it never prevented me from accomplishing everything I ever dreamed of, all because I had clarity on my purpose and a determined mind to become the best version of myself every day.
If you told me a few years ago that I would be traveling around the world as a paid international speaker, meeting and impacting the lives of thousands of new people every year. If you told me that I would be reaching millions of people globally every year via International TV networks, or that I would be selling hundreds of copies of my books every year to people all over the world, I would think that was somewhat impossible because I was a Ph.D. in Education with a focus on Administrator for Higher Education Institutions. I had prior training in the area of Psychology in my undergraduate and Master degree programs, and prior experience providing administrative support in the corporate world, it seems as if, my natural trajectory was to take my place as an Administrator, making my unique impact at some university in a corner of the globe.
Before completing my Doctoral studies ahead of the planned schedule, I had what I would call my dream job offer to work at a higher education institution as an Administrator in an area that I love and was great at.
Two years after, I got another call from another university offering me the same “dream job” position.
I had chosen to decline that first offer because of a pact I had made with God to do voluntary work for one year if I finished off my Ph.D. studies one year early.
But, this second time around, I had to turn down the offer because I was fully convinced that God was not leading me on the normal route of success, the route that I had learned for my entire life was the real avenue to success. Instead, right there on that call, I choose purpose over prestige.
I remember the very first official international call to speak. I had previously taken up small speaking engagements from time to time, but this call was different. I had been on vacation in London when a friend who is a Pastor reached out asking me to speak at his church for a major service. What? I thought I heard incorrectly! Me?
Fear gripped me. I thought to myself that he must not be thinking clearly because of the area in which I was being called to speak.
But, I felt literally compelled to say yes! I did not know what I was going to speak about. I did not know where to even begin to write the message. I did not know how I was going to greet the audience but the call had been answered and now I had to step into my unknown, out of my comfort zone to do something officially that I had never done.
That is when I intentionally made a decision that I was going to pursue my passion and live out my “true purpose”; live in my calling, regardless of all of what I had been taught about taking up traditional roles and jobs. I had to rewire my mind to undo the programming that had me believing that success would only come with a well-paying and prestigious job at a university. And that is the only way I could make an impact in the world.
I had to begin rewriting the codes that I operated from prior to that awakening because I had bought into the idea that if I got a good education, and later a prestigious job, I would make good money, have a great status, and therefore I would be successful.
What I discovered was that when you really align with your true purpose and God's calling and you make a decision to follow what He places on your heart, it really has the power to transform your life and that your passion can truly become your success story. And more importantly, now I help Christian women globally to find their voice as speakers, craft their Signature messages, and write their world-class books.