Wendy R.

Keynote Speaker at Wendy Rimmelspacher

Public Speaking/Storytelling

Education: Francis Marion College and Oregon State University - Oregon State University, B.S. in Accounting, CPA - Retired
Spokane, WA, USA


Wendy Rimmelspacher traded her calculator for a microphone to help women break free from living a status quo lifestyle, expand their mindset, and rediscover their Spark. She retired her CPA license and left a 30-year career as an Executive Finance Director in K-12 education to become a Motivational Speaker. Wendy is passionate about helping women through speaking and coaching, providing strategies that build confidence and optimism for the future. She inspires mind-expanding action that results in women rediscovering their sparkle.

With over 30 years of experience in governmental accounting, Wendy personally understands the effects of career stagnancy. Her own transformative moment, accepting a seemingly scary and bold professional role, ignited her passion, and purpose. Personal growth served as the catalyst that rekindled Wendy’s inner spark, propelling her on a journey to empower women to embark on their own transformative paths.

Having spoken on both small and large virtual and in-person stages, Wendy opens doors for individuals to embark on exciting new journeys. She is no stranger to setting ambitious goals and conquering the challenges that come with them. From overcoming the CPA exam to achieving two Club Champion titles in golf, Wendy embodies determination and tenacity.

Wendy's relatable personality shines through as she engages and connects with her audience through storytelling and humor. Her speaking style is captivating, leaving a lasting impact on those who experience her magic and messaging. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired and supported by Wendy as you move beyond the status quo and rediscover your spark.


Wendy helps people recognize the reason behind their lack of motivation and joy each day as living a status quo life. She inspires people to loosen their grip, invest in themselves, shift their mindset, and expand their world with new experiences, skills, and connections so they can rediscover their SPARK!

She is genuine, and authentic, and connects quickly with people, which makes her excitement of encouraging others toward their dreams a breeze. Wendy is growth-minded and started small as an entrepreneur in 2019 by taking a Speaking online course to support a new passion to help others who find themselves not utilizing their full potential like she experienced. She believes so strongly about helping others move beyond their fears and has taken the steps necessary to coach them forward.
She also finds energy and passion with the following:
* hitting golf balls
* spending time with family & friends
* laughter
* dark chocolate
* a cup of coffee (or two)
* running, biking, walking, and all things outdoors
* connecting with new people
* traveling
* Finding her next taco

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


inspire leaders motivational speaker meant for more overcome fear connecting personal growth being authentic self care mentor women entrepreneurs leadership innovation entrepreneurship consulting work life balance innovation culture women in leadership communication growth business building storyteller growth strategy women owned women health empowering women empowering women health and wellness women building businesses female entreprenuers zoom remote virtual startups networking encourager coaching career coaching business coach professional training professional growth

Best Story

As one of the shyest girls in my class from Kindergarten through 12th grade, I made a conscious decision one day to change. This day was my first day at college. Not only did I stop fear in its tracks, but I also accessorized by putting on my self-confidence and walking right into circles of classmates to meet new friends. I got involved in the college culture and flourished. Along with this bold interpersonal move, I also physically moved from a suburb of Portland, Oregon to a college in South Carolina my freshman year. These decisions changed my life in so many positive ways and opened more doors for my future self than I could imagine.
Imagine what you can do by making just one decision today!

Origin Story

My story begins with the decisions I made by going to college and graduating with a degree in accounting as well as acquiring my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license. My career began in corporate and public accounting and then landed with the lead finance role at a K-12 public school district, for thirty years. At some point, I began to lose my resiliency for what ended up being a long career stint in one school district, and I could tell that burnout was heading my way. Then, one day, I received the nudge I needed from a colleague to shift my mindset and grow new skills. It was through this random nudge, and by saying “YES” that I was able to pivot by stepping beyond my fears and into my potential. I believe we all hit plateaus and are meant to grow at different stages of our lives. Through this journey, I discovered my passion to help others shift their mindset, recognize they are meant for more, and that they can take steps toward their potential. We are not stuck on this path because previous choices led us to our current status. We were meant to reinvent ourselves and continue to step into our potential by listening to our purpose.
One last nugget that prompts people to move beyond their fears is this reminder that we never truly know who is watching us succeed. There are family members, friends, and neighbors who will be inspired by what you choose to do today. Be an inspiration to others. Let's open more doors that allow you to operate at your potential and to your passion.